Senior Instructor- SENSEI SHELBY KENNEY, Rokudan
Sensei Shelby Kenney is a retired USAF major. He joined the USAF in 1980 as a 2nd Lt. After
several assignments Shelby was stationed at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan.
Shelby and his son Ray began their karate training with Sensei Gordie Breyette through the
Kadena USO while stationed on Okinawa. They were later referred to Shigeru Takamiyagi
Sensei's Chatan Dojo to continue their training. In May, 1991, Shelby was promoted to
Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt). In August, 1991 he received his Shidoin (Apprentice
Instructor) certificate. Sensei Kenney has been teaching Shohei-Ryu karate since 1991. He
and his family moved to Brandon in August, 2000. He taught private lessons, and then found
another venue to teach in Brandon. He has taught karate publicly in Brandon since 2003. He is certified to teach Nunchaka, Tonfa, Sai and Bo.
During the Summer of 2010, Sensei Kenney was promoted to Rokudan (6th Degree Black Belt) by the Okinawan Karate-do Association. He was awarded his Shihan (Master Instructor)
Certification in early 2006.

Instructor- SENSEI DAVID BOOTH,Nidan
Sensei Dave has been training in Shohei-Ryu since September, 2003. He was promoted to
the rank of Shodan in April, 2006. In November, 2006 Sensei Dave received his Shidoin
(Apprentice Instructor) certificate. He previously trained in Taekwondo and Isshinryu karate.
Sensei Dave brings many years experience working with young people to the dojo. Dave
has been a resident of Florence for over 20 years; and is an active Cub Scout and Boy
Scout leader.
Chatan Dojo USA 657 Hwy 49 S., Ste A Richland, MS 39218 (601)420-0009