1. What are the five Master ranks (from sixth to tenth degree? 1. Rokudan, Nanadan, Hachidan, Kyudan and Jyudan
2. What are the three Master titles? 2. Renshi (for Rokudan), Kyoshi (for Nanadan and Hachidan) and Hanshi (for Kyudan and Jyudan)
3. What are the names and ranks of Sensei Kenney's teachers? 3. Sensei Shigeru Takamiyagi (Hanshi Jyudan (10th)) and Toshio Higa (Hanshi Jyudan (10th))
4. Who are Sensei Kenney's American Masters? 4. Senseis Robert Dus (Kyoshi Nanadan) and Lisken V.P. Dus (Kyoshi Nanadan)
5. What is the name and rank of Sensei Robert and Sensei Lisken V.P. Dus' teacher? 5. Master Shintoku Takara (Hanshi Jyudan -10th degree Black belt)
6. Where is Sensei Takamiyagi's dojo? 6. Chatan-Cho, Okinawa
7. What does "Cho" mean in Japanese? 7. City or Town
8. What is the headquarters of the OkiKuKai in Okinawa called? 8. The Kenshukai
9. What are the three main / original kata? 9. Sanchin, Seisan, Sanseiryu
10. What five kata did Kanei Uechi create (the "bridging kata")? 10. Kanshiwa, Kanshu, Seichin, Seiryu, and Kanchin

Chatan Dojo USA
657 Hwy 49 South, Ste A
Richland, MS 39218

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