1. How do you count to ten in Japanese? | 1. Ich, Nee, San, Chee, Go, Rook, Shich, Hach, Kyu, Jyu |
2. What is considered the most important aspect of Karate training? | 2. Sanchin Kata |
3.What does "Sanchin" mean? | 3.Three Battles/Conflicts |
4.What is the name of the style of karate you are studying? | 4.Shohei-Ryu Karate Do |
5.On the movements of what three animals is Shohei-Ryu karate based? | 5. Tiger, Dragon, Crane |
6.What does the word "Karate" mean? | 6.Empty Hand (self-defense without weapons) |
7.What should teachers in the dojo be called? | 7.Sensei |
8.What is the uniform and belt called in Japanese? | 8.Ghi (Uniform) and Obi (Belt) |
9.What are the key words in the Dojo Code and their meaning? | 9. Respect-Treating the dojo and everyone in it with sincere courtesy. Self-Defense- Demonstrating self-control to use martial skills learned for defense ONLY. Gambarimas- Putting forth a best effort in every class Honor- Developing a sense for right and wrong and choosing what is right |