1. Who are the President and Vice-President of the Okikukai? 1. President- Toshio Higa (Hanshi 10thDan )
Keicho Tobaru (Kyoshi 8thDan)
Yoshiharu Matsushima (Kyoshi 7thDan)
Takashi Arakaki  (Kyoshi 7th Dan)
2. Who are the Senior Advisors to the Okikukai?

2. Masters

Ryuko Tomoyose (Hanshi Jyudan) Honorary President
Hiroshi Inada (Hanshi Jyudan)

Tsutomu Nakahodo (Hanshi Jyudan)

Shigeru Takamiyagi (Hanshi Jyudan)

Kosuke Yonamine (Hanshi Jyudan)
Nobuhide Asato (Hanshi Jyudan)
3. How do you say "good" or "well done" in Nihongo? 3. Jozu or Dai Jobu
4. What blocking element separates Shohei-Ryu/Uechi-Ryu from other Okinawan karate styles? 4. Nigiru (grasping)
5. What are the life-span dates of Uechi-Ryu's first two Grand-Masters? 5. Uechi Kanbun- 1877 to 1948
Uechi Kanei- 1911 to 1991
6. What are the dates when Uechi-Ryu's first Grand-Master's began teaching? 6. Uechi Kanbun- 1908 (China) and 1924 (Okinawa)
Uechi Kanei - 1940 (Okinawa)
7. When was the Okinawa Karatedo Association or OkiKuKai formed? 7. 1989
8. What is the 9th kata in Shohei-Ryu called? 8. Ryuko (Tiger/Crane)
9. Who was Uechi Kanbun's first student? 9. Tomoyose Ryuyo (Father of Tomoyose Ryuko, Senior Advisor to the Okikukai)

Chatan Dojo USA
657 Hwy 49 South, Ste A
Richland, MS 39218

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